After all these decades you should have a library of good stories to tell

➔ You’re a mature worker. You’ve been at for several decades. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then.
During that time you must have had some interesting experiences – experiences which may cast a favorable light on your abilities, capabilities and expertise. These experiences just may be what you need to separate you from other candidates and give you a distinct advantage over those with whom you are competing for any given job.
Facts tell. Stories sell.
A close and careful review of your resume should spark memories of experiences which can be woven into compelling stories. Maybe there was some event or achievement which caused you get that promotion more than a few years ago. Maybe it was your insight which caused a previous employer to save considerable funds in a tight situation. It could have been one seemingly minor event which triggered a substantial event to move forward.
Read and re-read your resume. It should jog your memory. The more times you review that resume the more likely you’ll be to think of such things. If you need help, enlist a spouse or former colleague to help put things into perspective.
As you recall these episodes, write them down and commit them to memory and rehearse them time and again.
As your job interviewer peruses your resume, interject those stories to underscore in a real world sense how it was you and your expertise that resulted in some positive performance for that former employer.
Resumes are full of facts – as they should be. But putting an on-the-job application of those facts will demonstrate your full value to any prospective employer.