Technology can be a job seekers best friend

One of biggest complaints that employers have about job seekers over 50 is that they are technologically deficient in one way or another. So the argument goes, they’re either techno-phobes who don’t even know how to turn on a computer, or their skills are so out of date they’re still using their email addresses.
Although those impressions are mostly unfounded, there is some truth to the notion that 50+ job seekers have not kept up to date regarding technology. If you expect to compete in today’s job market, your technological skills must be current. What you learned (and practiced) 20 years ago doesn’t matter.
Help on the Horizon
Fortunately, there are many avenues available to pursue to remedy the situation. If you need an IT update, look to your local community colleges, career centers, libraries and tech schools. Most offer classes of one kind or another. Some are even totally free or free to anyone over a certain age (which varies based on geography.)
If you’re too intimidated to venture out and attend a class, there are innumerable online videos that you can view in the comfort of your own home while you remain in your pajamas. Depending on the skills you need, some may only be 7-10 minutes while others may last 60-90 minutes. It depends on your skill level going in, or how deeply immersed you wish to become.
Technical competence has become so ubiquitous that most employers don’t even inquire about it. They just assume that you have basic technological skills such as word processing, smart phone mastery and online research.
For those who don’t help is waiting. For those who don’t seek help, we shouldn’t have to tell you what is waiting for them.