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Tools of the Trade

Here are some beneficial tools to help you in your job search

Everyone needs a little help now and then. And this is especially true for job seekers. We’ve found a few handy tools that may help you in your job search… and beyond.

All good job seekers need to keep their efforts organized. So for starters, we will introduce you via a short video to the work organizer software clickup to help you do that. Clickup offers free and paid versions.

If you are a list person, you might benefit from workflowy in which create, organize and restructure lists, sub-lists and so forth. It also allows you maintain separate lists for personal items, or you can track your job search by creating a list for each opening to which you have responded, or each target company that you’re pursuing. Workflowy also offers a free as well as paid version.

Finally, in this age of the Zoom interview, one of the major drawbacks for the job seeker is to do an online interview while trying to compete with various assorted background noises from dogs, to kids, to traffic, to landscapers. The software will block out all extraneous noises leaving only your voice. As with other two, offers free and paid versions from which to choose.

We present these productivity tools in the spirit of helping job seekers. We have no financial interest or remuneration from these products.


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