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When Nothing is Better Than Something

You can’t be too thorough

➔ It has often been said that when researching a company one of your aims should be to find out if the company is right for you. Just as important as them wanting you, you have to ask yourself if this is the kind of place where you want to work.

But don’t stop there. Drill down a little. The company may sound like a good fit for you, but what about the specific department where you will be working? Is that also a good fit? One recruiter cautioned about the good company/bad department scenario and vice versa, the bad company/good department.

Depending on the particulars, either case may be a large enough red flag to cause you to move on to the next opportunity.

Job seeking as a career

One thing you definitely don’t want to do is to accept a position “just to have something” only to find yourself looking once again after a year or two – or less. Permanent job search should not be your next career.

Among those red flags that may surface in your job search may have to do with the company culture. Does this sound like a place where you would be comfortable? Are these people the kind of co-workers with whom you would feel comfortable? Do they share similar values, work habits, preferences, etc.

It’s an important consideration – one not to be taken lightly.

If the company culture is not to your liking, don’t delude yourself. Unless you’re coming in as the CEO, the company culture is what it is and you are not going to change it.

Like the old Kenny Rogers song, “You’ve got to know when to fold ‘em.”

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