The two biggest words in the English language are…
➔ No, we’re not talking about long, unusual or difficult to pronounce words such as triskaidekaphobia (the fear of the number 13). We’re talking about two simple words, powerful words which are famously underutilized in today’s world. These are two words which happen to be very important to the job seeker.
Thank you.
You can thank me later
That’s it. On the surface these two words are nothing special, but they do pack a wallop.
You’ll find that there are many instances in the course of your job search when a simple “thank you” can go a long way. At no time perhaps moreso than following a job interview. And in today’s digital world, at no time has it been easier to thank someone in an email. (Which, by the way, it totally acceptable in today’s workplace.)
A recruiter we know recently said that while trying to fill a position, she interviewed 18 candidates – only three of whom bothered to send a follow-up “thank you.” It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the job was offered to one of the three grateful respondents.
But what if it’s a panel interview (live or online)? Should you be expected to send an email to everyone who was on the Zoom call? The simple answer is, “Yes!”
During the course of the interview – or, even prior to in many cases – you should be able to learn who your interviewers are. And if you don’t know their email addresses, ask your recruiter or whoever is your main contact inside the company. When you tell them why you’re asking, almost invariably they will provide you with the relevant emails.
While it may seem simple and insignificant, saying thank you can make a huge difference and, even if you don’t get the position, you’ll make a mark and distinguish yourself and your professionalism.