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Always in Demand

Some things never change

➔ Much has been said and written about how different today’s job search is. To no one’s surprise, much of that is driven mainly by how different the job market is.

Interestingly, one of the major differences in today’s job market is the number of older adults seeking employment. It’s no longer unusual to seek job applicants at age 70.

Isn’t there anything that’s the same?

It’s often said that people hire people. That’s one thing that hasn’t changed. Despite the automated tracking systems (ATS), despite the reliance on artificial intelligence, despite the emphasis some employers place technological wizardry, the one constant is still that people hire people. And, they hire people they like.

Even when employers maintain the barricades in an attempt to remain totally impartial, there are still constants. There are still characteristics and traits that never seem to go out of style. Reliability, dependability, availability, dedication and commitment are just a few of those endearing and enduring principles that employers always embrace.

But it doesn’t stop there. We recently heard a recruiter say, “Employers will always be on the hunt for candidates who show versatility and can diversify beyond their core responsibilities to support the business.”

Some people refer to such values collectively as “soft skills.” Soft or hard, it’s good news for the older candidate for these are traits which we have acquired and honed over the years.


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