It’s a rough and tumble job seekers world
➔ Then there was the sales trainer who was trying to impress upon his audience the traits of those people who are generally considered “winners.” One such trait was that winners have a high rate of failure. While that may sound paradoxical, there is a method to that madness. It comes from the old adage – nothing ventured, nothing gained.
The proof is all around us
The trainer used the example of one particular product – the spray lubricant WD-40. He asked about the significance of the number “40.” He explained that number has been attributed to the 39 failed formulas that preceded it.
We prefer the analogy of Babe Ruth. The Sultan of Swat reigned supreme as baseball’s home run king for more than a half century. Ruth’s magic number was 714 career home runs. If you look, however, at his career statistics, you’ll find that he also struck out 1,330 times. That’s a ratio of 1.86 strikeouts for each home run. Over his career, he was first or second in the American League in strikeouts for 11 consecutive years. But for what is he best known?
What does this have to do with your job search? Isn’t it obvious? When you’re discouraged about not landing a position – despite the interviews and resumes submitted, etc. – just remind yourself about the frustration and failure of WD-40, Babe Ruth and many more just like him. If they could endure setbacks, you have to as well.
Just keep in mind that you only need to find one job.