Don’t ignore the other sides of your life during your job search

Many people believe – and there is a lot of truth to it – that looking for a job is a full-time job. You spend your days networking, going on informational interviews, sending out resumes, scanning jobs boards, reaching out to companies and contacts, following up with companies and contacts, working LinkedIn, etc., etc.
While all that may be true, let’s be honest. How many job seekers – aside from the most obsessive – actually will spend 40 hours a week actively searching for a job? Truth be told, relatively few.
Stop and look around
All of which leaves the job seeker with additional free time. Without getting too crazy, or getting too distracted from your job search, why not put that time to good use? Maybe it’s cleaning out the garage or attic. Maybe it’s sorting old family photos. Maybe it’s reading a book or two, or reading some personal improvement book(s). Maybe it’s the 1,001 repairs and improvements around the house that you’ve been putting off for months, or even years.
Now you have the time to mark a few of those things off your checklist. Take advantage of it.
Maybe it’s getting more involved with your children’s schooling. Volunteering in the school library a few hours a week; or doing some tutoring. Or, spending some quality time with a parent or relative or close friend.
Remember when you were working and you’d wake up in the morning and think to yourself, “Gee, I wish I didn’t have to go to work today.” Well, guess what. You don’t have to go to work today, and even though you have work-related things to do (i.e. your job search), you most likely will have some time to spare.
If nothing else, it will help take your mind off your situation; help you to re-charge your batteries; and shorten that honey-do list.