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Thank You. Gracias. Merci.

It doesn’t matter so much how you say it, just say it

➔ Most job search experts will tell you that a thank you note following an interview is a must. That’s difficult to challenge.

However, there are some who say that, in this digital age, it’s no longer necessary to send a hard-copy thank you note in the mail and that a simple, email thank you will suffice. While that may not be entirely wrong, it’s nowhere near being sufficiently right either.

Simple and short can still speak volumes

If two negatives make a positive, then not sending a thank you note is unprofessional. Re: Don’t ignore the obvious. You need to send one.

But is email sufficient? CareerBuilder did a survey and found that 89 percent of hiring managers say that email is acceptable.

But acceptable is not preferable. The bottom line is that it wouldn’t hurt to do both. Yes, send an email within 24 hours (or less) of the interview, but also hand write a hard-copy note and mail it within 24 hours certainly won’t hurt. Why? Because it’s so seldom done anymore and a handwritten thank you will separate you from the pack – in a good way.

While the times and job seeking unquestionably have changed, there still is a hallowed place for the good-old-fashioned, dyed-in-the-wool, never-hurts handwritten thank you note as well. In the end, thank you notes are more conspicuous by their absence.

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