Some passing thoughts on your job search
According to LinkedIn, did you know that you have a 4x higher likelihood of landing your next opportunity when you keep in regular touch with your network?
What a great way to start your interview: “I’m so excited to be here…”
According to, nearly one-quarter of Americans say they never plan to retire, according to a poll that suggests a disconnect between individuals’ retirement plans and the realities of aging in the workforce.
According to a 2013 research in the US from the MetLife Foundation, over 34 million baby boomers want to start their own businesses. Also, the Kauffman Foundation and Global Entrepreneurship Monitor show that, contrary to the traditional belief that entrepreneurship is a young person’s endeavor, senior citizens are the most entrepreneurial age group.
Despite… obstacles, two age groups, 65 to 74 years old and 75 and older, are expected to have faster annual rates of labor force growth than that of any others, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This is partly due to fears of outliving their money and driven by loving what they do. Over the decade from 2014 to 2024, the labor force growth rate for 65- to 74-year-olds is projected to be about 4.5% annually, and about 6.4% annually for those 75 and older.