It’s not about the resume. It’s about the connection.

➔ If you’ve been job searching for any amount of time, you’ve probably run into Mr. Send–Me– Your–Resume. You know the type. You call asking for an informational interview and he responds with, “Send me your resume.”
Could there be anything more patronizing and condescending for a job seeker? You both know that he’s just trying to get rid of you.
Should you just grit your teeth?
Do you send him your resume? Well, of course. But not without reminding him that you didn’t call asking for permission to send him your resume. “That’s fine, Mr. Send–Me–Your–Resume, and I can and will do that. But the real reason I’m calling is to request 15 minutes of your to discuss…” Here’s where you fill in the blank. “I’d like to learn more about your company.” “I like your insights as to what is going on the widget industry.” “Would you like to meet for coffee so that we can discuss…”
All that resume business is well and good, but what you want is some time. Face time. Personal time. Time when you and he can talk. That’s why they call it an informational interview. You’re seeking information.
You may even want to go as far as to put him at ease by stating that you’re not asking him for a job. You want to talk about the industry, this company or that company; you want his evaluation of you as a candidate. Get him away from your resume and “looking for a job.”
It’s really a win-win. You get to learn more about the job market, the industry, a particular company, etc. And he gets to learn more about you – your qualifications, your skills, etc. What have you got to lose?