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How Do Employers Hire?

Bottom line: It’s no big secret

➔ Let’s start with some basic job search truisms.

First – looking for a job today is radically different from what it was when most of us entered the workforce. Second – there are a lot more tools readily available to today’s job seeker than ever before in history. Third – competition for any and all jobs today is more fierce than it’s been since… who knows when. Maybe ever.

Is the devil in the details?

First, with today’s applicant tracking systems (ATS), video and/or long-distance interviewing, online jobs boards and other digital tools, today’s job search couldn’t be more different from when most of us were starting out.

Second, it used to be that all you needed to look for a job was a resume, a telephone, a copy of the want ads from the local newspaper and maybe a copy machine – or access to one. Today digital tools envelope us. LinkedIn and Facebook, ATS, the Indeeds and Monsters of the world, Glassdoor, Google and AI for research, etc. The list goes on and on, and continues to grow.

Third, no matter what any data say, there are more applicants for fewer jobs than ever before. The statistics are all around us. Competition between and within generations continues to intensify. Just as employers seem to becoming more selective.

Is there anything that’s still the same?

Absolutely. And it’s perhaps the most important part of the entire job-search process. When you get right down to it, people don’t hire paper or digital files… after taking into account all that we’ve just stated, here’s the ultimate truism: people still hire people.

And, no matter how important the new tools and techniques may be, what matters most is YOU! At the end of day, you still have to sell yourself to the interviewer, to the new company. And they, in turn, have to be impressed by you.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.


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