Job seeking during the holidays isn’t necessarily what you’ve been told

There are always a lot of rumors and myths concerning what it’s like to be in a job search. As we enter the holiday season, this time of year has its own set of job search myths and fallacies. Here are just a few.
Things slow down during the holidays. That’s not necessarily true. There are jobs available and in certain circumstances hiring managers are under the gun to identify a candidate in time for the first of the year.
People are on vacation around the holidays. Again, not true. In fact, while some people do take time off during the holidays, the holiday season is a good time to reach out to people because they do tend to be more available. They have less meetings and fewer commitments and may be more open to speaking with a job seeker or to review your resume.
No one is hiring because budgets are spent. Sometimes that is true, but it’s also just as likely that some companies or departments are facing “use it or lose it” budget situations. Those companies will be eager to put someone on as soon as possible. In addition, some hiring managers need to identify successful candidates who can be ready to start in early January when new budget dollars become available.
Of course the biggest myth of all is that there are just no jobs available. The Covid and the resulting lockdowns have, no doubt, put a damper on much hiring, but some companies are hiring and there are jobs out there.
In fact, in the past few days we saw a report from the Associated Press that FedEx is hiring 70,000 people for the holidays and UPS is adding an additional 100,000.