You need to make certain that you accentuate
your strengths

➔ You’re in a job interview and you know that you have a skill or an attribute that would make you perfect for the position. But your interviewer isn’t asking the right question(s) or even going down that road.
How do you inject those points into the conversation to ensure that your strengths – all your strengths – are put out on the table and taken into consideration?
If they won’t bring up the subject, then you have to. Remember, this is no time to be shy and secretive.
They won’t know if you don’t tell them
We know of someone who was interviewing for a part-time, weekend job. Because it was non-traditional days and times, and it wasn’t the type of job that could be glossed over or shared among others, it was critical that the successful candidate be reliable. He had to be there and he had to be there on time – every time.
In this case, it was most appropriate to bring up the fact that he realized the importance for the employer to hire someone who was reliable. It demonstrated a keen understanding of the job and how it worked and how he was uniquely qualified to be that person.
It worked. He got the job.
Although the characteristics, the job responsibilities and the employer’s needs will likely vary – sometimes wildly – it’s no less important for you to broach the subject and make your point(s). This is a job interview, your future is hanging in the balance. You need to pull out all the stops. All’s fair, etc., etc.
Stating your case in such a situation shows that – in addition to the actual job skills – you also have insight and understanding. And you’re strong enough and assertive enough to point that out.