Are there any constants in this ever-changing job market?
➔ Again and again we continually hear about the changes in the job market. First there were the changes wrought by technology – ATS, online jobs boards, video interviews, remote work, etc. Then there was the pandemic which turned the entire globe on its ear. That was soon followed by the Great Resignation (or The Big Quit, if you prefer).
When you factor in that older job seekers haven’t looked for a job in years – maybe decades – that just magnifies those gut-wrenching changes all the more.
Will it ever stop?
Change. Change. Change. Everywhere you look in the job market there is change. And the experts – such as Forbes – say that you had better get used it. Deal with it. Adapt to it. After all, in many facets of work and life, the mantra is adapt or die. The bad news for the older job seeker is that they’re not wrong.
On the other hand, some experts claim that remaining flexible and adaptable to changes will enhance your chances in the job market. Continuing to learn about your industry and how your skills and experience apply is another huge plus. In addition, your new knowledge can be used in other jobs if a career change is warranted.
There are some constants when looking for work
Not the least among these is that people hire people. Hiring managers who like you will overlook some your shortcomings which could eliminate you from other employers.
Of course, the biggest hold over from bygone years is the importance of networking. Maintaining and expanding your cadre of professional contacts will never hurt you. Estimates claim that up to 80-90 percent of all job placements are the result – in one way, shape or form – of networking.
As in years past, researching potential employers is never a bad idea. The upsides are plentiful. This is especially true when preparing for an interview. The more you know before the interview, the more you’ll know whether or not you want the job in question. You’ll also have a good sense of what the job entails and, wait for it… how much it pays. Lastly, depending on what you learn, you may decide that you really don’t want that particular job at all. That’s what’s known as dodging a bullet.
In the final analysis, it appears that another old adage appears to be appropriate in this case… the more things change, the more they stay the same.