Put a little action into your job search
➔ More than once we have advised staying away from acronyms on your resume – and other job search postings (i.e. LinkedIn, etc.). Unless it’s something unmistakable such as FBI, IBM, IRS, etc., you can’t assume that the person you’re contacting has any idea to what you are referring or that your acronym has any impact whatsoever.
The same can be said of job titles and job descriptions. “I worked in supply chain.” OK, what exactly does that mean? Did you manufacture chains? Work on a chain gang? Seriously. “I have 10 years experience in business development.” “Business development” could mean almost anything.
Your words can have punch as well as meaning
Keep in mind that you’re trying to impress your potential employers. Who is going to be impressed by a bland, watered-down, seemingly meaningless title such as “Project Administrator”?
Put some spice in your past life. This is not to say that you should overly embellish, falsify or mislead. But make your previous work sound interesting, intriguing and action or performance oriented. Even something as innocuous as “Team Leader” implies that you have some leadership capabilities.
This is especially true when describing your past work experience. Rather than re-stating your title, use action verbs to tell what you did. “Cut expenses.” “Grew sales revenue.” “Opened new markets.” “Designed our trade show exhibit.” These phrases show activity. They suggest motion, activity, vitality.
Rather than simply putting down what was on your old business card, bring some action verbs into play and describe the exciting, vibrant person you are. Who wants to hire bland and watered-down, when they could hire YOU?