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Who Put the “Work” in Network?

There’s that word again. But it does “work.”

Is there anything in your job search that can be proved to be more valuable than networking? All the job search data says, “No!”

We won’t bog you down with numbers here, but out there in the real world, there are a lot numbers to back this up. For example, LinkedIn claims that as many as 80 percent of all job placements can be attributed in one way, shape or form to networking. Let’s not belabor the point.

The key word is “work”

For some people networking comes easy. Usually it’s the more extroverted who are most comfortable with networking. But that doesn’t mean that introverts are naturally left on the sidelines. In fact, introverts possess one critical networking skill: They like to listen; and listening is an integral part of successful networking.

As you hone your networking skills, you’ll come to recognize those individuals with whom you have “chemistry” and chemistry is essential to getting hired and doing well in a new job – or any job for that matter. In many cases, you’ll know within the first minute or two (literally) whether or not you have chemistry with another individual.

Now for the bad news. Then again, it’s only bad news if you have a real disdain for networking. That news is that networking doesn't end with your new job.

All those contacts you make during your job search can proven valuable in any number of ways – including if you ever find yourself back in the job market again.

To paraphrase: A networkers work is never done.


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