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Recruiters chime in on today’s job market

There’s a lot going on in today’s job market. Remote work. Online ATS applications. Covid considerations. The list goes on.

One group of professionals who you can bet have their fingers on the pulse of the job market – because that’s their business – is recruiters. Here are a few insights into today’s job market from some recruiters with whom we’ve spoken lately.

First, online hiring represents only a relatively small percentage of all jobs. Whether or not your ideal job will be online depends a lot on the level of employment. The higher up the ladder, the more personal touch and interaction you can likely experience.

Second, thanks to the Covid shutdown, remote work is advancing at a much greater rate than it was just one year ago. Despite that, our recruiters estimate that for roughly 50 percent of all companies and job openings, location doesn't matter. And for small to mid-size companies (i.e. $350 million to $1 billion) on-site location matters more. To them, culture is important and being there enhances the cultural environment.

Third, there is another aspect of working remote that should hold out some hope for the older job seeker. The recruiters believe that working remote may be tougher for younger applicants. To no one’s great surprise, they don't have the experience of working directly with people – and for some jobs that's very important.

In addition, according to, working remotely results in younger employers having a lack of mentors from whom to learn and confide. Also, there is virtually no chance for learning their jobs, the industry and business in general through osmosis.

This brave new work world in which we all must now function, presents challenges and opportunities. There is one holdover from the old world of work, only the strong survive.


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