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Detective Work

Being a little bit clever in your job search can go a long way

Sometimes LinkedIn can be a two-edge sword.

On the one hand, it is widely used by employers and job seekers alike. Some recruiters report using LinkedIn in 90 percent of their searches. Many hiring managers admit to reviewing a candidate’s LinkedIn profile before looking at the applicant’s resume.

Job seekers have found LinkedIn a treasure trove for finding and establishing contacts as part of their job-search networking efforts. Its search function also has proven to be an ideal tool for finding individual contacts at companies.

Of course there has to be a glitch and this is it. While a job seeker may find an appropriate individual to contact at a company, discovering how to actually contact that person can be a daunting task. For those who wish to reach out to an individual at a company, LinkedIn provides no email addresses or phone numbers.

However, in this – the Information Age – with software and websites capable of doing incredible things, there can be a crack in the door.

The major player in this search game is which makes it possible to find the work email addresses of a great number of individuals. (It’s not, of course, foolproof. But it is quite effective.)

Using the individual’s name and company name can yield an email address. The website offers 50 free searches per month with pricing plans available for more searches.

Not only in this space, there are other enterprises offering similar services such as and many more.

While there are many electronic hurdles to carry in the 21st Century job search, there are also electronic solutions which the savvy job seeker can utilize.


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