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Today is: Monday, January 13, 2025   |   Next niftynews: Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Why Women Over 50
Are The Future Of Business

There is a growing trend of women over 50 starting businesses

woman with glasses at laptop

99 Percent of Workers 40 and over Believe Ageism Exists at Their Workplace 

It’s making them downplay their experience

no longer needed



These job search sites help match applicants with employers – many of these sites feature employers who are seeking more mature workers.   Get FREE!


Employment Outlook as We Start Out
the New Year

The labor market remains a cornerstone
of our economic strength

elderly businessman with thumbs up


Be Ready for Anything They May Throw at You
You don’t have to be a Boy Scout to appreciate
the importance of “Be Prepared”

Being prepared is especially critical in a job search when it comes to planning for a job interview. You probably have heard about interview planning as it pertains to studying the company, the industry, the job, the person with whom you’re interviewing, etc. How much time do you spend anticipating the questions you may be asked and how you will respond? This is all that much more important when you’re a 50+ job seeker.

Smiling Portrait

Why I Hire for Attitude Over Aptitude

When hiring, I prioritize people who have a team-oriented mentality and want to grow with the business

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